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    Estradiol Patch

    So long, symptoms! Estradiol is proven, effective, fast relief from a majority of them in a super easy-to-use twice weekly patch. Ours is FDA-approved, bioidentical & plant-based!

    How it works

    What is it: An easy-to-use patch that releases plant-based, bio-identical estradiol directly through your skin and into your bloodstream. This FDA-approved hormone replacement therapy helps manage common menopause symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats.

    The estradiol patch provides convenience and control in hormonal therapy. Just apply the patch as directed and let it work while you continue living your life uninterrupted.

    Who is it for: Suggested for postmenopausal women or women who have not had a period in 12 months or more. Any woman prescribed MHT can choose the patch if she prefers the convenience of a twice weekly patch to daily oral estrogen pills. The estradiol transdermal systemic patch is the preferred treatment for women who smoke, are overweight, have high blood pressure, or are being treated for or are at high risk for developing diabetes. Regardless of whether you choose the patch or pill, all women with a uterus also will need to take daily progesterone.

    What am I getting: 3-month supply of transdermal estradiol patch. It is a small, clear, adhesive patch you place on your abdomen and change twice a week. If you have a uterus and don’t have a progestin IUD like Mirena or Liletta, you’ll also receive progesterone in pill form.

    How to get it: Prescription required. One of our menopause-trained doctors will review your medical history to determine if this is the right treatment for you.

    Best for treating:

    Safety information

    The estradiol patch is generally well-tolerated since it is chemically identical to the estrogen the body naturally produced before menopause.

    Side effects are rare but can include headaches, breast tenderness, bloating, or spotting. It may not be advisable to use estrogen if you have a medical history of any of the following conditions: breast or endometrial cancer, BRCA1/2 gene mutation, unexplained vaginal bleeding, coronary heart disease, blood clots, or stroke.

    Discussing any of these conditions with your healthcare provider first will help to determine the most effective treatment for you.

    Suggested use

    Place directly on your abdomen, and change it twice weekly. Typical dosage: 0.05mg – 0.1mg. At Alloy, per The Menopause Society guidelines, we start at the lower 0.05mg. If your symptoms do not improve, message the doctor to increase your dosage.

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