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    HPH Editorial Team | October 8, 2024

    Amira Terra

    Automated Cooling Pad

    Terra is the first automatic cooling mattress pad that allows users to sleep through night sweats, which affect 80% of women in menopause.

    Terra detects hot flashes by tracking sweat levels with a sensor bracelet and cools users down in seconds before they wake up. The cooling is targeted to the areas where hot flashes are felt the most and is 5x faster than other existing cooling pads. With Terra, users either sleep through hot flashes or fall back asleep within 3 minutes of waking up.


    1. Predict hot flashes

    The Bracelet tracks your skin moisture levels and your movement. Our patented* sensors and hot flash detection algorithms predict your hot flashes before they wake you up.
    *patent pending

    After the Bracelet predicts a hot flash, cold water is pumped from the Hub under your bed to the Pad, silently cooling you within seconds. This makes hot flashes shorter and less disruptive to sleep.

    3. Stay asleep

    Sleep uninterrupted thanks to the magic of Terra. Wake up refreshed and energized, ready to seize the day. Sleeping undisturbed is the ultimate longevity, beauty and productivity solve all in one.

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