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    Beverly Joyce, MD, MSCP | OB/GYN

    Beverly Joyce, MD is a Johns Hopkins-trained, board-certified physician specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Throughout her thirty-year career, she has helped thousands of patients through their most joyful and difficult life experiences, delivering babies, managing miscarriage and infertility, and surgically treating myriad gynecologic problems. Most recently, coinciding with her own menopause experience, she became a Certified Menopause Practitioner (MSCP) with The Menopause Society (previously known as the North American Menopause Society) to help fill a significant gap in the care of midlife women that she was seeing in her practice and had experienced herself.

    After suffering mid-career burnout, Dr. Joyce became inspired to focus on physician wellness, including her own. To that end, she stopped delivering babies and obtained a physician coaching certification. She now coaches women physicians on topics such as burnout, work/life balance, time management, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, negative self-talk, and stress management. Dr. Joyce is the founder of Dr. Joy Coaching.

    Her book, The Birth of Joy – A Female Physician’s Healing Journey through Childhood Trauma, Midlife Burnout, and the Rediscovery of Passion and Purpose, is a personal memoir that she wrote in the wake of her own menopause journey.

    When not seeing patients or coaching, she can be found on the golf course. She is married to her husband of twenty-six years, also a golfer, and has two young-adult children, who have not followed in her footsteps into medicine!

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